

Words — 29 found

Noun, Suru verb
1. meeting up; gathering; assembly
  • たいちょう隊長
  • ぶか部下
  • ただ直ちに
  • しゅうごう集合
  • する
  • ように
  • めいれい命令
  • した
The captain ordered his men to gather at once.
Noun, Suru verb
2. setMathematics
Wikipedia definition
3. Set (mathematics)A set is a collection of well defined and distinct object... Read more
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1. meeting place; rendezvous (point); roll-call (assembly) point; appointed (designated) place
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しゅうごうてきしき 集合的無意識
1. collective unconscious
Wikipedia definition
2. Collective unconsciousCollective unconscious is a term of analytical psychology... Read more
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1. set theoryMathematics
Wikipedia definition
2. Set theorySet theory is the branch of mathematics that studies sets... Read more
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1. collective goods (i.e. goods or services such as parks, highways, etc. which could be supplied privately, but are usually provided by the government)See also 公共財
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しゅうごうたいきょうしょう 集合体恐怖症
1. trypophobia (fear of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes)See also トライポフォビア
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Noun, Suru verb
1. group suicide; mass suicide; arranged suicide of two or more peopleRare term, See also 集団自殺
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1. single crime that naturally consists of a number of incidences and is charged as only one count (e.g. habitual gambling)
2. crime whose goal requires a large number of people acting together (e.g. insurrection)See also 集団犯罪
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1. time appointed for meeting (assembling); time one is supposed to meet
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Kanji — 2 found

12 strokes. JLPT N4. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 3.
gather, meet, congregate, swarm, flock
On: シュウ
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6 strokes. JLPT N3. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 2.
fit, suit, join, 0.1
On: ゴウ ガッ カッ
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Sentences — 12 found

  • jreibun/3223/1
    • てんじょういん添乗員
    • そのひその日
    • いちにち1日
    • こうてい行程
    • について、集合時間や見どころ、食事や見学時の注意なども含めて、詳しく説明してくれた。
    The tour guide gave a detailed description of the itinerary of the day’s journey, including meeting times, highlights, and notes on meals and visits. Jreibun
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